Saturday 22 February 2014


Seeing your baby take their first steps is such an amazing milestone for any parent. For us it was extra special, A is developmentally delayed and also has some problems with his feet/ankles which made walking particularly hard. 

Walking was such a big deal to us, we constantly wondered when it would happen, we knew how much more independence it would give A, how much new stuff he would have to explore. It was one thing that really set him apart from others his age, seeing a 2 year old crawling around at high speed seemed strange to people that didn't know him. 

We waited and wondered and waited some more. We attended appointment after appointment and everyone kept saying it would happen but with no real answers as to why it wasn't happening and know clue as to when it would. Then finally we saw a physio who identified the feet/ankle problems very quickly, she ordered A some special insoles to wear in his shoes and we received them in December. 

Soon A started making progress we would see odd little steps here and there. He would be cruising around the furniture and sometimes let go to finish the last part of his journey or to reach something he never could before. It was amazing to witness but I almost couldn't let myself get too excited. He still wasn't a fully fledged walker and I couldn't let myself believe it would happen in case it didn't. 
Then on New Years Day A just took off! So many steps across Nannys living room that I lost count with excitement! and since then there's been no stopping him. I still can't believe it sometimes. It still brings the biggest smile to my face and it still makes me burst with pride. 

I took this picture last weekend and i love it. My baby boy walking along so independently. I love the city in the background. Like the whole worlds his to explore now. If he can overcome his difficulties and achieve this, whats next? I have every faith in him that he's going to make me the proudest mummy in the world. 

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